Working with me

I am very passionate about helping people heal from trauma and anxiety, lead with their hearts and show up with authenticity.

We will laugh a lot in therapy. Life is short so we can’t be serious all the time. Most of my clients wonder why they didn’t come to me sooner.

I am not just a nod and smile therapist. I believe therapy should work. That means setting clear goals when we start our work and meeting weekly until your goals are complete. I check in with you periodically to make sure we are on track. No time wasting here.

I give you actual tools to help you tackle the hard things. That means homework. It could be a journaling prompt, a challenge or just something for you to ponder. I only work with individuals, couples or families who are ready to do the work.

Therapy with me is easy. That means show up as you are. I don’t care if you are doing therapy in your car, if you are carrying your baby in session or if you are dressed in your gym clothing. All I care about is that you are comfortable in session.

I only take on clients I can actually get results for. I’m not the therapist for everyone. If we schedule a consult call and we’re not a great fit, I will refer you to someone who can best serve you. It’s at the core of my ethics and values.

I love seeing the journey toward transformation and honored to stand beside my clients, in their quest for happier, healthier, more productive and successful lives.

I am flexible and eclectic in my approach.  I offer short- term Solution Focussed, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT) Narrative as well as Psychodynamic, EMDR and Neurofeedback therapy.  I can help you to live your life to the fullest without fear, anxiety and overwhelmed.

– I will create an individualized plan to work toward your goals.

– I will be there with you in each step of the way.

– I listen, empathize and hold space for you.

– I will help you discover what life can be without constant anxiety.

My expertise helps my clients to change over their time in therapy and their relationship, career and how they feel about themselves.

If you are ready to stop avoiding your life and to stop anxiety control you, contact me for a free consultation to discover how therapy with a plan and the right therapist can make the difference in how you feel today, tomorrow and beyond.  I will answer any questions you may have in our free consultation.

Brain Health

As a Certified Brain Health Coach by Amen Clinics, I can help you assess your brain to find out which part of your brain needs help.


As a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and Certified EMDR Practicioner I can help you by processing any traumatic event or memories in order to live a fulfilled life.


Neurofeedback is an individualized therapy based on your brains’ symptoms and the feedback your brain provides in order to create more regulated brain waves.

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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